void fann_save_to_fixed(struct fann * ann, const char * configuration_file);
will attempt to save ann to the file located at
configuration_file as a fixed-point network.
This is useful for training a network in floating points, and then later executing it in fixed point.
The function returns the bit position of the fix point, which can be used to find out how accurate the fixed point network will be. A high value indicates high precision, and a low value indicates low precision.
A negative value indicates very low precision, and a very strong possibility for overflow. (the actual fix point will be set to 0, since a negative fix point does not make sense).
Generally, a fix point lower than 6 is bad, and should be avoided. The best way to avoid this, is to have less connections to each neuron, or just less neurons in each layer.
The fixed point use of this network is only intended for use on machines that have no floating point processor, like an iPAQ. On normal computers the floating point version is actually faster.
This function appears in FANN >= 1.0.0.