These constants represent the activation functions available within the fann library. The list will grow over time, but probably not shrink.
Execution only - Threshold activation function.
This activation function gives output that is either 0 or 1.
Execution only - Threshold activation function.
This activation function gives output that is either -1 or 1.
Can not be used in fixed point - Linear activation function.
This activation function gives output that is unbounded.
Sigmoid activation function. One of the most used activation functions.
This activation function gives output that is between 0 and 1.
Stepwise linear approximation to sigmoid. Faster than sigmoid but a bit less precise.
This activation function gives output that is between 0 and 1.
Symmetric sigmoid activation function, AKA tanh. One of the most used activation functions.
This activation function gives output that is between -1 and 1.
Stepwise linear approximation to symmetric sigmoid. Faster than symmetric sigmoid but a bit less precise.
This activation function gives output that is between -1 and 1.